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Geometric and Basic Tracing

To introduce the techical drawing we made basic exercices that we'll need for the rest of the school year. 


Every time we make an exercice like this one, we write a brief description above the exercice about what we are doing.

To make it we used a compass and a rule.

It's very important to use a special pencil for the technical drawing and a special rubber as well. We also used a set square.


Here we've made different types of angles. As you can see there's a middle line, this marks exactly where the middle is, this also helps us to draw the angle. 


We've also used a rule and a set square.

Angles with a set square

In case you didn't know what is a set square 


Here we've made the same exercice as the 2nd one, the difference is in the material we've used this time. Depending on the position of the set square you will make different types of angles.

Angles with a compass

In case you didn't know what is compass


Here we've made the same exercice as the 3rd one, the difference is in the material we've used this time. With the compass we've made different types of angles.

Angles (photocopy)

Here we had to make the two different ways to make angles (set square and compass).

It was more complicated because we had to unite them and mark the angle and how much they measure.

Angles (photocopy A3)

This is a composition of different angles making a figure. I used both methodes, with a set square and with a compass.

Polygons From One Side

From now we've changed completely the execise. We also worked the different types of polygons basing on one side. We also used angles.

What we used the most was the compass and the rule to mark harder the final result.

Polygons From a Circumference

This is the same exercice as the last one, but these are different polygons and they are made from a circumference. Then we drew stars depending on how many points the polygons has.

To end with this trimester we did two exams about all the sheets

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